Welcome to Kindergarten!
We’re very excited for a great year of full-day learning and inquiry! If you would like to receive emails whenever the blog is updated, please don’t hesitate to sign up for that at the bottom of this page. Here you’ll find out what the students are working on (with suggestions for incorporating what they are learning at home) and important dates/upcoming events. This year we are very blessed to have Mrs. Cooke staying with the students all day while Mrs. Hall enjoys some time with her family. Mrs. Boisvert will be coming in part-time to focus on English learning and Mme Villemaire will focus on French learning. Mrs. Wang will take over from Mrs. Boisvert when she returns after Thanksgiving. Mme Sceviour and Ms. Patterson will be in most days for Mme Villemaire and Mrs. Boisvert/Mrs. Wang's Preparation and Planning time. French and English instruction will alternate every other day. September will be busy with routines and getting into the swing of things so, in keeping with that, here are some housekeeping items for the start of the year:
We’re very excited for a great year of full-day learning and inquiry! If you would like to receive emails whenever the blog is updated, please don’t hesitate to sign up for that at the bottom of this page. Here you’ll find out what the students are working on (with suggestions for incorporating what they are learning at home) and important dates/upcoming events. This year we are very blessed to have Mrs. Cooke staying with the students all day while Mrs. Hall enjoys some time with her family. Mrs. Boisvert will be coming in part-time to focus on English learning and Mme Villemaire will focus on French learning. Mrs. Wang will take over from Mrs. Boisvert when she returns after Thanksgiving. Mme Sceviour and Ms. Patterson will be in most days for Mme Villemaire and Mrs. Boisvert/Mrs. Wang's Preparation and Planning time. French and English instruction will alternate every other day. September will be busy with routines and getting into the swing of things so, in keeping with that, here are some housekeeping items for the start of the year:
classroom will have a family tree in it that students can look at to
remind them of home. If possible, please send a family photo with
your child (remember to write their name on the back). These will be
returned to you at the end of the school year.
students would like they can bring a small blanket to use during rest
time. However, we do ask that no stuffed animals be sent (as a
general rule, we would ask that you please not send any toys to
school with your child unless they are to be used outside, i.e. balls that are your child's responsibility). These blankets will be sent home to be
washed at the end of every week. Students may also bring in a small mat to use to rest on along with their blanket. Please feel free to send a mat to school with your child's name clearly labelled on it. In order to store mats, they need to be able to fold up on a shelf or roll up (e.g. yoga mats would work well).
a reminder that your child will need separate indoor running shoes
that he/she can do up on their own. It is also recommended that you
label your child’s belongings as many children have similar ones.
Communication Bags
Communication Bags
child will be given a mailbag (ziplock) with their name on it and a communication book inside. We
will use this bag to send home any notes/communications (they will not need to purchase agendas). We would
also encourage you to send any notes (e.g. if you need to take your
child out early for an appointment) in the mailbag so we can easily
see it as we do not go through the children’s backpacks. Communication books should be opened to the note as we will not be looking through closed communication books (if we send a note home we will also leave the communication book open).
In the interest of student safety, please notify us of any changes to dismissal (bussing/walking) in advance. Last minute, uninformed, changes are stressful not only to regular staff, but especially so when there is a substitute teacher and/or early childhood educator conducting dismissal. We anticipate your understanding and cooperation on this matter.
We also ask that any grandparents, friends, or relatives picking up your child as a special circumstance are named in a note to us, and wait to be identified by staff at dismissal. Again, the interest is student safety and we want to make sure that your child is going home with the exact person we were told.
has accidents and we want to make sure your child is as comfortable
as possible should this happen. We would ask that you please send a
ziplock bag with your child’s name on it containing some extra
clothes in case an accident occurs. If an accident does occur we will
send home the dirty clothes in a bag or ziplock so you can send back some
more extra clothes the next day.
a reminder that our school is nut free so please do not send any nuts
or nut products (e.g. peanut butter) in your child’s lunch or
snacks. If you send a snack with WOW butter in it, please put the
sticker on so we know exactly what it is.
child will have 2 snack times (morning and afternoon) as well as a
lunch time. We are trying to encourage healthy eating so, if
possible, please send nutritious snacks for your child to eat (e.g. fruits and vegetables).
would also ask that you not send in treats for your child’s
birthday. However, if you feel that you would like to send something on their special day, we ask that you complete our “Birthday Traditions” book at home, and send it in with your child. We will send the book home on their birthday, and eagerly await to hear all about their birthday traditions!
Outdoor Learning
We go outside every day for outdoor centre time, gross motor exercise and inquiry exploration. Please send your child(ren) appropriately dressed for the weather each day.
Outdoor Learning
We go outside every day for outdoor centre time, gross motor exercise and inquiry exploration. Please send your child(ren) appropriately dressed for the weather each day.
are more than welcome at school and in our classroom! If you would like
to volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact me and we can set up
a convenient time for you to volunteer. However, we will require a
copy of a police record check as per school policy. We have volunteer letters for police record checks that we can send home so you will not need to pay for the record check.
We cook regularly in the classroom. We will always notify you in advance of what we are cooking, and the ingredients. Please let us know via the communication book if there is something you do not want your child to make or eat!
We will also be sending home the first Scholastic book orders shortly. If you choose to order any books from it, please fill in the forms at the back of each booklet and return them (with your child's name on them) in your child(ren)'s mailbag along with the payment number. You may pay online (all information can be found on the Scholastic book order forms); however you must pay before sending in the form with the chosen books as I need to have the payment number. Cash will not be accepted, however if you are not comfortable paying online we will accept cheques. If you write cheques you can amalgamate the amounts from each magazine into 1 cheque amount (you do not need to write separate cheques for each booklet handed out each month). This year you will also have the option of both ordering and purchasing books online (details can be found on the Scholastic booklets that will be sent home each month).
We cook regularly in the classroom. We will always notify you in advance of what we are cooking, and the ingredients. Please let us know via the communication book if there is something you do not want your child to make or eat!
We will also be sending home the first Scholastic book orders shortly. If you choose to order any books from it, please fill in the forms at the back of each booklet and return them (with your child's name on them) in your child(ren)'s mailbag along with the payment number. You may pay online (all information can be found on the Scholastic book order forms); however you must pay before sending in the form with the chosen books as I need to have the payment number. Cash will not be accepted, however if you are not comfortable paying online we will accept cheques. If you write cheques you can amalgamate the amounts from each magazine into 1 cheque amount (you do not need to write separate cheques for each booklet handed out each month). This year you will also have the option of both ordering and purchasing books online (details can be found on the Scholastic booklets that will be sent home each month).
you have any Kleenex at home that you would like to donate to our
classroom, it would be greatly appreciated (especially as the fall
weather starts to turn cooler and the cold season approaches)! Also,
if you have any boxes of ziplock bags, plastic spoons or unscented hand sanitizer that you are not using and
would like to donate those would also be very much appreciated!
be aware that our school policy is not to distribute birthday
invitations to students if sent to school. Thank-you for your
For more information on the Ontario Kindergarten curriculum, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Education's website.
For more information on the Ontario Kindergarten curriculum, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Education's website.
to check back often for updates! We are looking forward to a fabulous year!
Parents often ask for French websites to encourage learning French in
a fun and educational way. Below please find a list of some websites
you may wish to explore:
has a great collection of videos on her You Tube channel for French
TFO is a great You Tube site for young children. It has great
educational content.
Ottawa Public Library has a fantastic selection of Tumblebooks in
French. They are also launching a new site this Fall.
Canada Jeunesse