Wednesday 19 December 2018

Looking Ahead

 In looking ahead to January and Epiphany, students are continuing to explore shapes and numbers in both French and English. We are learning how to read new words and are writing new French and English vocabulary words through Write the Room and word games. Once we get snow, students have been asking 'what's in snow?' so we will be exploring snowflakes and snow through a scientific lens (depending on Mother Nature, of course!). Stay tuned for more exploration and inquiries to come!
Happy New Year!

Wednesday 12 December 2018


The students have been working hard to create Advent wreaths. They voted and decided they wanted to bring them home to add the candles to them each week with their family instead of adding them here at school. Today you will find in mailbags both the wreath and the page of candles (along with a prayer for each week), should you choose to do this as a family activity. This is completely optional, of course. Wishing you a peaceful 2nd week of Advent!